
GLOW Yoga x Pilates

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G L O W Yoga x Pilates on the Mt. Washington Overlook!

Monday, August 26 8:00 - 9:00 PM

You're invited to join me as I lead a Yoga x Pilates fusion class on the top of Pittsburgh! Please bring your own mat, I'll bring the GLOW sticks!! Meet at the Paul F. Jones Overlook in front of Carnegie Library (513 Grandview Ave) for a prompt 8:00PM class start. Thank you in advance for your support and participation to this event, you are helping to make a difference for people living with CF!

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has fueled dramatic improvements in cystic fibrosis research and care. Because of the Foundation, people with CF are living longer and healthier lives.  The outlook for people with CF continues to improve year after year.