
Guys & Dolls Auction Gala

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SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2025 AT 6:30 PM
The Guys & Dolls Auction Gala is Charlotte’s premier black-tie event, celebrating its 25th year in 2025. Each March, hundreds of attendees come together in support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for one of the most exciting nights of the year, featuring a high-energy live auction, dinner, and dancing. Charlotte’s young professionals have been the heart of Guys & Dolls for more than two decades, building the event’s signature live auction packages while making a life-changing difference in the fight against cystic fibrosis and meeting local families who are impacted. We are currently seeking volunteers to carry on that tradition in this special anniversary year.

Who are the “Guys” and “Dolls”?

The Guys & Dolls are the heart of the event and are the gala’s honorees. Generally young professionals, the Guys & Dolls come together to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation by building live auction packages that are auctioned off in exciting fashion on event night. The Guys & Dolls are also guided through a fundraising campaign to support the cause and meet families impacted by cystic fibrosis along the way. The Guys & Dolls come away from the program having built relationships and skill sets that will last a lifetime.

Interested in learning more about becoming a Guy or Doll? Visit the Get Involved tab for more information or contact Michelle Boring at mboring@cff.org or 704-321-7852.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact:

Michelle boring